Ghandi once said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” I believe these words could not be truer today.
Like a great many Americans I have been dealing with tears and a palpable fear. Fear that the very institutions and pillars, which are there to protect our basic human rights, are in danger. Unfortunately, I have not been proven wrong.
Grappling with this, I have come to realize that this will the toughest challenge yet. But where do we fall in this? What can we do? The greatest challenges define us.
What I have LOVED is seeing the outpouring of support and solidarity. People’s kindnesses in the face of hate. The simple hellos to and from strangers, seeing a gentleman carry a chair for an elderly lady, people checking in with those in their lives asking how they are holding up and letting them know that they are not alone.
Well I am here to tell you, you are not alone. I may or may not know you, but I know your pain and I know your fear and I will stand right beside you.
We each have a voice. We each have a choice. What we do with it is ours.
I will continue to write on my blog to raise awareness about incredible people so that we can learn about the greatness and goodness in human beings. So that we can learn from them and in their example know how powerful we can each be.
I will be factually informed and spread knowledge to the best of my ability.
I will stand up to bigotry and prejudices of all forms with love, kindness, awareness, knowledge and positive action.
I will support organizations, which are in place to give voice to those who have none.
We will all come out on the other side of this. It’s what we do on the road there, which will define our humanity.
With Love, Dilshad